SEDC#1365 (Hybrid, Tu, Mo, Th) @ 10am, Starting 12/3

SEDC#1365 (Hybrid, Tu, Mo, Th) @ 10am, Starting 12/3


PACE SEDC#1365 Hybrid

Location: Hill Center (921 Pennsylvania Ave SE. WDC 20003) & Zoom 

Day: Mondays*

Time: **10:00am to 12:00pm

Leader: Kay

1. *12/3/2024 TUES **11:00am to 1:00pm | IP

2. 12/9/2024

3. 12/16/2024  (Skip 12/23)

4. 12/30/2024

5. 1/6/2025

6. 1/13/2025

7. 1/23/2025 THURS **11:00am to 1:00pm | IP

8. Weekend Session: In- Person location & date TBD

Please Note: We cannot pre-register or hold space for anyone in any group until after the baby arrives.

This group is now full. Please reply to the registration email to be notified when the next group is open and available for registration. Thanks for your patience!
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