There is no one right way to raise a child.

Let’s find the best way for you. 


 “I loved PACE. It was so great to connect with other mothers and have a sense of community in all of the good and difficult elements of being a new mom. It made me feel less alone and helped me transition to life as a mother more smoothly.”

Dawn , PACE Alum 2010


PACE for 1st Time Moms

How it Works

PACE groups meet for eight 2-hour sessions with a maximum of 12 moms and their babies (two weeks to five months old). All groups are held in a hybrid format, consisting of 4 in-person sessions and 4 virtual sessions.

Sessions are led by mental health professionals who are also moms. Every week we cover a different topic.


Bring your Questions, Please

How do I get my baby to sleep? How do we bond? Does anybody feel like me? No question, no emotion is off limits. We help you get answers without judgment. 

Bring your Baby, Please

This is a great chance to spend time with your new baby. We don’t care if your baby cries or you haven't showered! Everyone is figuring it out together.

Bring your Whole Self, Please

These groups are not just about your baby. They are also a place for you to discuss personal concerns from your relationships to career.

Discussion Topics

  • Your journey to becoming a mom

  • Sleeping, feeding, and soothing

  • Bonding and attachment

  • Infant development and play

  • Changing relationships

  • Your postpartum body and mood

  • Identity and self-care

  • Work, childcare and balance


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